Phone: 216-406-2774
Preparing to Coach Youth Hockey in Michigan for 2020/2021
Jack Witt, Michigan Coach-in-Chief, prepared the attached document outlining key information for all coaches for the upcoming season.
June 29, 2020
Greetings on behalf of everyone involved with USA Hockey’s Coaching Education Program. As the weather warms up and more rinks continue to open, we hope that you and your family are enjoying the early days of summer.
As you look for a new sense of normalcy in these uncertain times, everyone involved in the Coaching Education Program is excited by the number of coaches that have embraced the challenges of getting ready for the upcoming season by enrolling in one of our online virtual clinics or signing up for a temporary coaching card.
Based on the clinics we’ve held so far, the interaction between our presenters and coaches from around the country has been incredible. Thank you to all those who have embraced this new technology to share ideas and information to make all of us better coaches and improve the quality of our game. And a special thanks to all the District Coaches-in-Chiefs and their coach developers along with the ADM/CEP staff who have created engaging and educational presentations to help our coaches achieve their next level of certification.
As we continue to expand our curriculum, we will be adding more clinics to offer a wide range of options that work best for your schedule. You can register for a virtual clinic just like you have done in the past at:
In regards to the temporary coaching cards, which will extend your current certification for the 2020-21 season without having to attend a clinic, we are pleased to announce that we are extending the deadline until July 31, 2020.
Please click here to register for the temporary card online or download the form that you will need to complete and submit to the USA Hockey national office.
We understand that these are uncertain times for everyone. As coaches we teach our players to read and react to different situations that may arise on the ice. This is our chance to practice those same skills as we prepare for what will certainly be one of the most challenging and exciting seasons we have ever experienced. We appreciate all that you do for hockey and the players you coach and hope that you can stay healthy and safe. We will all get through this together.
Yours in hockey,
USA Hockey’s Coaching Education Program
If any of the team personnel on the bench during a game does not have their proper level of coaching certification by December 31 of the current playing season, the person in non-compliance shall be be removed from all hockey coaching activities at that level.
This year, the D4 Council has had too many abuse of officials hearings.
Clinics are being planned for virtual/online presentation. Please see the link below for list of available clinics and additional information.
What I am hearing from top coaches . . . . -Develop athletes, not just hockey players -Build good habits in your players -Practice with small area games -Skill is the bedrock of success -Find a coaching mentor
> During the regular season, no coach, manager, or other team official, connected with a registered team may directly or indirectly entice, influence, or contact a player registered on another registered team without the written approval of the head coach or manager of that team.
> Reports of a possible violation of this rule must be submitted in writing to the District Chairperson.
> Especially as post season play nears, many teams desire to contact players on other teams to play for them during the post season. Do not contact the player without first contacting the head coach or manager getting their permission in writing.
> A player’s first obligation is to his/her regular season team until that team disbands.
> Ethically it is wrong to have the player lose concentration on his/her regular season team, typically during the team’s playoffs, because a head coach is trying to form a team. You want your players to complete their season with you; respect the interests and goals of other teams as well.
> The applicable MAHA rule in the Annual Guide is at: XVI. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS; A.; 6.
Current State of Hockey In The U.S. * Adult competition imposed on young athletes * Youth players under train and over compete *Training focuses on the immediate outcome rather than optimal training *"Windows of Trainability" are not being utilized * Under development from ages 6 to 16 cannot be fully overcome and therefore athletes never reach full potential
Head Coaches do not have to become an expert in all of the rules in order to coach hockey, but they should read and become familiar with them. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for failure to abide by them. Every effort is made to distribute the rules. It is the coach's responsibility to make the rules known to your staff and your players. When in doubt, refer to the MAHA Annual Guide or contact your District 4 representative.