To Host a tournament fill out the required forms by clicking on the ‘Application’ button on the MAHA website (under ‘Tournaments’). When you apply to host a tournament you will need the following:
1) All the pertinent information for your tournament. These include divisions offered, dates, tournament director contact information etc.
2) A copy of the tournament rules in PDF or DOC format to be attached to the application.
3) $100 Deposit for invitational tournaments and $250 fee for 3 on 3, 4 on 4 tournaments or cross-ice jamborees. This fee will be collected at the end of the application process.
4) At the close of the tournament an email will be sent with a link to close out the tournament. Have a list of the teams that played with their USA Hockey or Canadian Team numbers ready on the Tournament Team Participation Form to upload. Upload the needed information and pay the remaining fee. (For invitational tournaments the fee is $35 per team - the $100 deposit already paid).