The information contained in this website is intended as an aid in making the rules, regulations, and procedures involved in amateur hockey easier to understand and follow.  Included is information in the more common areas where questions arise.  It is not intended to be all inclusive in that the District follows the rules, regulations, and by-laws of both the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association and USA Hockey.  The order of precedence of rulebooks (current edition): 1.) USA Hockey Annual Guide and Playing Rules; 2.) MAHA Annual Guide; 3.) MAHA District 4.

Each succeeding organization’s rules can be more restrictive than the rules listed by the organizations above it.  When researching a question, start with the District and work up the list.

All of the above rules take precedence over the rules of any league in which your team may be participating.  It is your responsibility to know and understand the rules of D4, MAHA, and USA Hockey.  Do not rely on league personal to answer D4, MAHA or USA Hockey questions.

The District 4 Council serves as volunteers to administrate and to assist all players, coaches, teams, association, clubs, officials, and parents within  the District.